We Sue Lawyers

Sears Crawford LLP > We Sue Lawyers

How To Fire a Lawyer in Texas

How to fire a lawyer in Texas, man tearing up contract

If you’re wondering how to fire a lawyer in Texas, you might first want to ask yourself if you should be firing a lawyer. While tensions often run high in attorney-client relationships, firing your attorney is not always necessary. Many disagreements or bumps in the road can be smoothed over with open communication, but the resolution may not be so simple if your attorney’s bad behavior constitutes legal malpractice. Legal malpractice occurs when your attorney acts or fails to act in the way that a reasonable attorney would, and that act or omission causes you harm.  If you believe that your attorney...

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Breach of Fiduciary Duty Examples

Breach of Fiduciary Duty Examples

If you believe that your previous attorney has wronged you, you may be wondering how exactly an attorney can breach their fiduciary duty to you or what are some common breach of fiduciary duty examples. The fiduciary duty is the foundation upon which the entire attorney-client relationship is built, and you need to be able to identify when that foundation cracks before the entire structure falls down on your head. Some ways that your attorney can breach their fiduciary duty to you include: Intentionally breaching the terms of your contract Breaking attorney-client confidentiality Having an undisclosed conflict of interest Miscommunications or half-truths ...

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Hiring a Legal Malpractice Attorney in Texas

Hiring a legal malpractice attorney in Texas, shaking their hand

Hiring a legal malpractice attorney in Texas can be a daunting task. Clients who have been harmed by a previous attorney surely won’t want to relive the process and stress of having to find and hire another attorney, not to mention finding a Lawyer who sues other lawyers — but if they don’t hire another lawyer, how can they seek justice? If your previous attorney did not fulfill their duty to you, then you need a legal malpractice attorney in Texas this time around. You need an attorney who specializes in holding lawyers accountable, bringing justice to clients, and restoring integrity...

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What Can I Do if My Attorney is Not Doing Their Job?

What Can I Do if My Attorney is Not Doing Their Job?

It’s a question prospective clients ask us all the time: “What can I do if my attorney is not doing their job?” If you’re entrusting your wellbeing to an attorney, it’s only natural to wonder if they are doing their job correctly. After all, hiring an attorney can be stressful, so we understand that you want to get the service that you’re paying for. Taking legal action against your attorney can be a confusing process. Serious and trusted legal malpractice attorneys at Sears Crawford can aid you in navigating this complex issue. At Sears Crawford, we sue lawyers because we take...

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How Attorneys Can Violate the Texas Rules of Professional Conduct

The Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct were created to provide lawyers with the “minimum” standard by which they are required to practice law and to conduct their business with their clients. Generally speaking, a lawyer’s violation(s) of the Disciplinary Rules exposes him/her to disciplinary actions by the Texas State Bar Grievance Committee, and does not automatically expose the lawyer to civil liability.  However, when your attorney fails to meet the expectations set forth in the Texas attorney ethics rule while handling your case and his/her actions or inactions result in harm or damages to your case, you may be able...

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Can I Sue My Lawyer for Breach of Fiduciary Duty?

Can I Sue My Lawyer for Breach of Fiduciary Duty?

The answer is YES, under the right circumstances. Over the years, we’ve had many clients contact us with the question, “Can I sue my lawyer for breach of fiduciary duty?” As lawyers that sue lawyers, the attorneys at Sears Crawford have extensive knowledge and experience in successfully helping clients with these types of cases. We are a team of attorneys you can trust to handle your case.  If you decide to sue your lawyer, our skilled attorneys at Sears Crawford are here to explain how to go about filing a claim against your former attorney.  What is breach of fiduciary duty? If you’re...

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Barratry in Texas is Illegal – Taking Action

Barratry in Texas

If you’re unsure whether or not you have been a victim of barratry in Texas, this article will inform you of the legal ramifications of solicitation and ambulance chasing (barratry), and how to take action if you have been the victim of barratry.  Barratry occurs when a lawyer, or someone acting with or on behalf of a lawyer, solicits or contacts potential clients who need a lawyer’s services in an unauthorized manner without the client reaching out first. These attorneys can try to persuade the potential client to file a lawsuit without knowing the full extent of the client’s situation. At Sears...

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