Author: Sears Crawford

Sears Crawford LLP > Articles posted by Sears Crawford (Page 2)

Can I Sue My Lawyer for Losing My Lawsuit?

Attorney speaking at the stand

Those who have had a bad experience with a previous lawyer can feel like they have no options. You probably wish you could start over and hire someone else from the beginning, and are likely wondering what you can do about it now. You may even find yourself asking questions that parrot, “Can I get my case reopened? Can I file a complaint? Can I sue my lawyer?” At Sears Crawford, as lawyers that sue lawyers, we get that last question a lot. Can you sue your lawyer for losing your case? You might be able to, but it depends on...

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When To File an Ethics Complaint Against a Lawyer vs When To Sue Them

Lady justice holding the scales

At Sears Crawford, we know that there are many reasons to be unhappy with your attorney, but it can be hard to know when to file an ethics complaint against a lawyer and when to sue them. Did your lawyer simply act in an unpleasant manner, or did they do something to mess up your case and cause you harm? At Sears Crawford, we know legal malpractice when we see it. We sue lawyers and have been doing so for over 30 years.  We protect our clients’ interests and maintain the integrity of our profession. If your lawyer screwed up your...

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Do Not Hire A Lawyer Who Does Not Carry Legal Malpractice Insurance

Potential legal malpractice client checking to see if a Houston lawyer has legal malpractice insurance

When you hire a lawyer, one of the first things you should ask that lawyer is “do you carry legal malpractice insurance?” If the answer is “no,” walk away from their office. DO NOT EVER hire a lawyer that doesn’t carry malpractice insurance. An attorney commits legal malpractice, either intentionally or unknowingly, when they “act or fail to act” in a manner that a reasonable and prudent attorney would (or would not) act under the same or similar circumstances, and that action or inaction causes damages to their client. When this happens, legal malpractice insurance exists to protect the lawyer, but...

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Hiring a Legal Malpractice Attorney in Texas

Hiring a legal malpractice attorney in Texas, shaking their hand

Hiring a legal malpractice attorney in Texas can be a daunting task. Clients who have been harmed by a previous attorney surely won’t want to relive the process and stress of having to find and hire another attorney, not to mention finding a Lawyer who sues other lawyers — but if they don’t hire another lawyer, how can they seek justice? If your previous attorney did not fulfill their duty to you, then you need a legal malpractice attorney in Texas this time around. You need an attorney who specializes in holding lawyers accountable, bringing justice to clients, and restoring integrity...

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